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Finclude | X-Europe Startup Interview

Welcome to our X-Europe startup interview series. We have virtually sat down with a number of our founders from past cohorts to hear all about their solutions, vision for the future, and what made them tick during our X Europe programme. So whether you are a deep tech founder looking for startup support, an eagle-eyed investor, or simply interested in the possibilities that technology can bring to society, then we welcome you to take a read. Please meet Finclude, a startup that revolutionizes the creditworthiness and affordability assessment of individuals by analyzing their transactional data and spending patterns.

Can you briefly explain what your solution is all about? What’s unique about it?

Finclude develops a unique pan-European credit scoring system that allows businesses to assess consumers universally based on their transactional behavior, regardless of whether they have a credit history or not.

What led you to start or join your company? What is the key motivation and mission behind the startup?

I've lived and worked across Europe and I've felt the problem. Europe is considered a single market but your credit history doesn't follow you where you go. Every time I was changing a country I had to start from a blank page, something very frustrating & discouraging.

What’s the biggest milestone your startup has achieved so far, and what has surprised you most on this journey?

We have raised over two million euros in funding and we already have live customers in three markets. The most surprising fact in this journey is the difference in the level of understanding between US people/investors vs. Europeans when it comes to using data for better consumer credit decisions.

​​How has X-Europe helped you during the past few months?

X-Europe opened up the doors for us in western European markets and connected us with several leads.

What are your goals over the next 3, 6, and 12 months?

In the next three months, we aim to launch a new product in the affordability space for BNPL providers. Hopefully, this will enable us to raise our Series A within the 6 months mark. 12 months from now we'd love to think that our service will be operating across all of Europe.

What advice would you give to an entrepreneur trying to pave his/her way in the Fintech landscape?

Be patient, things move slow with large financial institutions and focus on what the customer wants.

What one piece of advice would you give your 21-year-old self?

Don't try so hard to get a corporate job, entrepreneurship is your calling.

What’s unique about the X-Europe program?

The access it provides to high-caliber mentors, customers, and partners as well as the media exposure.


For up-to-date information on X-Europe, follow us today on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


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