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Cohort 5: Ecosystem builders - overview


Our second to the last cohort was dedicated to SpaceTech, an emerging business sector that has been paving its way for the last couple of years. To continue to help this developing vertical, we engaged 40+ ecosystem builders which increased our network of ecosystem builders to 150.

In this cohort, the onboarded ecosystem builders are associated with categories such as Accelerators (17), Training (6), Procurement (5), and Investors (4). The new members came from 22 countries, with Belgium, Germany, and The Netherlands taking the lead followed closely by Finland and the United Kingdom with two partners each.

Also, our presence in our focus regions continues to grow with the presence of two countries from the Visegrad region, two from the Benelux and the Baltics, ensuring the objective of our programme is to connect and build bridges between regions stimulating the deepteech ecosystems.

With only one more cohort to reach the end of our programme, we plan to enlarge our numbers of partners and continue to help our startups develop their cool technologies solutions.


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X-Europe is a project framed under the Startup Europe initiative!


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871795.

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