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Vemini | X-Europe Startup Interview

Welcome to our X-Europe startup interview series. We have virtually sat down with a number of our founders from past cohorts to hear all about their solutions, vision for the future, and what made them tick during our X Europe programme. So whether you are a deep tech founder looking for startup support, an eagle-eyed investor, or simply interested in the possibilities that technology can bring to society, then we welcome you to take a read. Please meet Vemini, a startup that develops a decentralized, interoperable vein biometrics platform to substitute credit cards and passwords with palm veins.

Can you briefly explain what your solution is all about? What’s unique about it?

Vemini develops a decentralized, interoperable vein biometrics platform to substitute credit cards and passwords with palm veins. Born as a solution to social engineering, phishing, and other frauds related to vulnerabilities of centralized identification, authentication, and authorization protocols such as Passwords, 2FA, keys, cards, and badges. We studied a way to definitively bypass all those issues which leverage human vulnerability such as privileged credentials abuse. We are creating the most secure and user-friendly Digital Identity ever made bringing Identity back into your hands

What led you to start or join your company? What is the key motivation and mission behind the startup?

Creating a new paradigm of authentication which has privacy and security at its core that sees its users as a treasure to protect and not as a product to sell or to control. Digital Identity is one of the most delicate issues of our decade and being part of its development is a once in a lifetime opportunity

Who are the key target audiences? How does the technology make a positive impact?

Companies and governments that require a secure and user-friendly authentication system, fully biometric without the need of devices like smartphones, cards, badges, or passwords Reducing frictions and sunken costs related to credential management and security. The most positive impact is the fact that due to our data decentralization processes only the end-user has complete control of its personal data protecting it by design from internal and external abuse, integrated with palm veins the most secure biometric vector available.

What’s the biggest milestone your startup has achieved so far, and what has surprised you most on this journey?

We've been awarded several national and international prizes like Premio gaetano Marzotto, we've been nominated among the Top Ten Biometric Solutions in Europe by the US-based magazine Enterprise Security. What surprised us the most is the number of extraordinary people, companies, and investors ready to put their skin in the game for our vision

How has X-Europe helped you during the past few months?

With amazing mentoring and precious informations at first, now we are fully enjoying the benefits of the Investor Matchmaking program which is really helping us in reaching international investors interested in participating in our funding round What are your goals over the next 3, 6, and 12 months? In the next three months we prospect to conclude our funding, in the next six months we expect to reach complete market readiness on our access and digital signature use cases while in twelve months we expect to reach complete market readiness on our payment and ATM solutions What advice would you give to an entrepreneur trying to pave his/her way in the Smart Cities & Sustainability landscape? Don't have fear to tackle deep and complex issues, the technology of today will define the habitat of tomorrow while the example we set today will inspire future generations. As we try to innovate our present we should remember our responsibility toward the future What’s unique about the X-Europe programme?

The heterogeneity of the support you receive, X-Europe is an opportunity to company growth by personal growth dedicated to both founders and employees


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