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FuseBox | X-Europe Startup Interview


Welcome to our X-Europe startup interview series. We have virtually sat down with a number of our founders from past cohorts to hear all about their solutions, vision for the future, and what made them tick during our X Europe programme. So whether you are a deep tech founder looking for startup support, an eagle-eyed investor, or simply interested in the possibilities that technology can bring to society, then we welcome you to take a read. Please meet FuseBox, a platform for managing and trading flexibility to different energy markets.

Can you briefly explain what your solution is all about? What’s unique about it?

Fusebox is a platform for managing and trading flexibility to different energy markets. It is also called demand response. The platform can be used by the companies that want to become demand response aggregators as a side business to their existing core business.

What led you to start or join your company? What is the key motivation and mission behind the startup?

We started the company to change the status quo of the electricity markets. We want to bring the revenue from electricity markets away from large utilities, back to consumers in return for their flexibility in electricity consumption.

Who are the key target audiences?

Fusebox clients are companies that manage or are in cooperation with a large amount of real estate. Those companies are the ones to benefit the most from the cooperation.

What’s the biggest milestone your startup has achieved so far, and what has surprised you most on this journey?

We are happy that Fusebox is getting a lot of attention and pull from different markets globally. We have learned that open communication brings people with great ideas and willpower close to Fusebox and they help us to move on with greater speed.

How has X-Europe helped you during the past few months? Yes, we have gotten good ideas, and repeating some well-known dogmas is useful every now and then.

What are your goals over the next 3, 6, and 12 months? Our goal is to innovate and keep changing the status quo of energy markets and demand response. Fusebox is entering many new markets in Europe in the coming months.

What advice would you give to an entrepreneur trying to pave his/her way in the Smart Cities & Sustainability landscape? We have learned, that if you really want something then spread your idea and keep ongoing. Success is a matter of time.

What’s unique about the X-Europe programme?

It is international, compared to local accelerators that are usually available locally.


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X-Europe is a project framed under the Startup Europe initiative!


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871795.

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